Social Responsibility
One of our team's main purpose of existence is to help on causes that are relevant and important in our current time.
Below are some of the initiatives that we had so far up to this date. Our team targets to help on social initiated initiatives at least once a year.

School supplies gift-giving initiative for Payatas Elementary School
December 2017
In collaboration with A Better Chance Foundation
During this initiative, our Calypso PH team and A Better Chance Foundation family were able to share the Christmas blessings to the kids from the Payatas Elementary School. School supplies were generously gifted to them and a simple, yet hearty and healthy feeding program were also shared with them.
We would like to greatly thank everyone who have been part of this good cause. Our campaign is successful because of everyone’s help!
We would like to thank as well the When In Manila team who helped us in this campaign.