Years ago, Ms. Veronica Gualberto was just another school girl with a dream of becoming a model. Today, Veronica became the very first brand model of Calypso PH.
We had an interview with her and found out that this girl is not only about looks, but substance as well. Continue reading below to know more about her.

1. It’s exciting that you’re the first model of Calypso PH! What do you think others see in you that’s so special?
Well, I think people find my enthusiasm catching. And I must say that I have a very genuine personality, that's why I become friends with anyone easily. I'm also an easy-going and laid-back person that loves to chill and take everything smoothly, and I think most people love that about me!
2. What do you think makes you and Calypso PH such a good match?
Calypso PH and I are the perfect match! We're both simple yet stylish and classy. We're also [both] easy-going but has a big impact once we are flaunted. And Calypso PH's accessories perfectly describe my style.
3. Before starting on becoming a model for Calypso PH, how did your career start out?
Well, it started out last April 2016. I entered my agency, and became a modeling student there. Then after a few months, I won a fashion model search contest with 9 special awards. And then I started getting heaps and heaps of projects. Now, I'm already an ambassadress for 5 different brands/companies. And I already have my own TV Series with Channel Hue.
4. Do you think your over 3 thousand followers on Instagram have helped you land your many campaigns?
Yes, it did! Since a lot of companies require the number of followers, my 3k followers on Instagram really helped me a lot to land on many campaigns and projects.
5. How do you get yourself ready for a shoot or a show? Do you change your diet/exercise regime?
To be honest, I don't have any diet or exercise regime. I just get enough sleep, and drink lots of water to have a natural glowing skin, wash my face with cleanser and exfoliate.
6. Has working in the fashion industry changed the way you look at accessories? Does it make you appreciate accessories designers more?
Yes! I became more conscious with what I wear. When I wasn't in the fashion industry, I didn't care about what I put on. And I don't even wear accessories to be honest! But as I grow and become more engaged in my profession, I learned how to dress to impress!
7. Any tips for taking a selfie?
OH! I really love taking selfies! But lemme tell you, taking a great selfie is no joke! First, find the best lighting (Best example: Sunlight). Second, make sure you know how to work out your angle! And lastly, know what filter to use! Not to bright, not to dark. But, it depends on your aesthetic though, hehe.
8. Any other secret talents?
It's a secret! Secret talents nga, di ba? LOL, just kidding! Well, I sing and dance when I'm alone. I also play guitar and drums.

9. Do you see yourself continuing with fashion in the future?
Yes! If [I am] fortunate, I want to have my own clothing line because I can't be a model forever! Hahaha!
10. What advice would you give to your younger self?
If you ever feel like quitting, think about why you started. Don't lose hope, just hold on to the people who loves and supports you. And keep the fire igniting within you!
To know more about Veronica, watch this video about her: A week in Veronica's style
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